“M” is for “Masterpiece Program”. Docents visit area classrooms, sharing art that reflects lesson plans, sparks children’s critical thinking and enhances their education. We are a museum without walls and own 800 art posters.
"C" is for "Caldecott", the award honoring outstanding children's book illustrations. In a monthly partnership with Prescott Public Library, children hear a story, explore the art in the illustrations and go home with their own book.
“A” is for “Art Appreciation for Kids”, a monthly partnership with Prescott Public Library. Children absorb art in a presentation and create their own art project.
“F” is for “Family Fun with Art” at the Yavapai College Art Gallery.
“Monday Morning Programs feature Adult Art Talks, given by area Artists or Docents and are fascinating accounts of the artistic process and art history, staged Sept. through May.
“A” is for “Art Talks”, presentations given in Senior Living communities.